Summer Festival June 2010


First Summer festival, June 13th, 2010

We had planned to do another "Spring Bazaar" this year. However, due to the long, cold winter this year
and not starting to plan it until the end of February, we shortly decided to make it a Summer Festival instead.
And of course this had to be an open air event.
With the Fifa World Championship in soccer this Summer too, it was a little difficult to find a suitable date.
Finally, and also taking the many other yearly events in our area into account,
we decided to have it on a Sunday.
In the end we picked the 13th June for our festival.

We only had two meetings for the planning. The weather was wet and cold until a week before the date.
However, then it suddenly was summer and everything could be done as planned.
As Sunday came we were ready; all tents set up and foods prepared.

New and different on purpose to all the events around was the vegetarian foods we offered:
bread with different cheese and cream based spreads
and fruitsticks, which was my part to make. I had suggested to offer them. ^.~
For all the "meat-eaters" we had something different as well:
nothing grilled as is common at summer festivals.
Instead we offered "Weißwurst" with sweet mustard and "Brezen" and a meat stew.
And during the special events time we had coffee and self-made cake.
In the early evening we offered "Käsespätzle" - freshly made noodles fried with cheese.
By the end of the day all foods were as good as gone; only some of the fruit was left.

We did not only show and sell our art but also had a set time for events.
We had invited other artist from our village to show what they do.
For them it was advertisement, for us some extra attractions we couldn't have done ourselves.
The artists showed:

  • a short Tai Chi and sword Tai Chi performance
  • children dance in four age groups
  • "Fuß-Theater" (foot theater) - using a foot dressed up as the actor
  • reading with performance including the spectators
  • "Sing Änd Swing" - a small local female choir
and finally a short belly dance performance from our art club leader as a surprise at the end of the day.

Overall a splendid day that was fun for us and our visitors.
Too bad it started to slightly rain toward the end; many left then to watch a soocer game instead.

Below my exposition table and some impressions of the festival.