About me - a short biography


I was born in Günzburg, Germany on the 27th June in 1965; a Sunday. It is said that being born on a Sunday will bring you luck your whole life. Looking back on my life so far, I can only state this as being true. More on me here...

My exhibitions


Anecdotes and other stories


In this section I like to post experiences I had in my life. Some "happenings" I have been told, others I remember clearly myself. Please, keep checking for entries here.



In this section I will post dreams I had that I remember well.
For some time it had been a habit to note my dreams down every time I remember them. A few of these dreams I think are worth sharing.
Some of my dreams also inspire me to write longer stories out of them. Two of them have become books by now.
Please, keep checking for entries here.